Building Habits Is Hard When You Have ADHD

Marjan Venema
1 min readApr 8, 2023

I’ve started and stopped so many habits, that maybe I really shouldn’t call them habits. Then again, for as long as they lasted, they were.

My inner ASDer thrives on routine.

My inner ADHDer rebels against it.

I found out I have both ADHD and ASD only recently. At 60. After 25–30 years of struggling with having a gazillion ideas, making plans, getting started, and letting them peter out.

That is, if left to my own devices. When someone else is involved, either as a ‘partner in crime’ or as a recipient, my grit has no bounds.

That’s why I joined Ship 30 for 30

  1. To get that bit of external accountability to overcome my internal conflicts.
  2. To beat my inner-ASDer’s perfectionist tendencies by becoming ok with writing ‘a’ piece on a topic, not ‘the ultimate, most comprehensive treatise ever’.
  3. To build a daily habit that will carry me forward even if I don’t hit publish every single day after Ship30for30.

Join me on this adventure.

And don’t hesitate to comment or ask questions! You’ll be helping me in countless ways.



Marjan Venema

I write about growing the mindset and confidence for an engaging, fun life. Oh, and about ADHD and ASD. And much more :)